Is someone else getting loans or credit cards using your identity?
Are your interest rates too high?
Rejected for a loan or credit card?
Need good credit for a large purchase?
Is bad credit increasing your insurance costs?
Can't get a loan to grow your business?
Landlord checking your credit?
Credit check when changing jobs?
Is someone else borrowing money using your name and identity?
We review your credit report and let you know what problems we find, and what we can do to help. Understanding the problem is the first step.
Loans or accounts opened by someone else using your name
Credit card problems
Outdated negative information
Incorrect records
Having errors or incorrect information on your credit report can cause huge problems with your credit score.
That's why we are here to do the work for you.
To increase your credit score, we analyze your credit report to identify suspicious or negative items that could be disputed. Then we contact the credit bureaus on your behalf to challenge items that are fraudulent, inaccurate, or outdated.
Sometimes they will remove an item quickly, and your credit score could start increasing within a few weeks.
Other times, the credit bureaus will require us to provide additional information or evidence before they will even review the dispute. This begins a back and forth process that can take months to resolve.
In extreme cases, we may need to cut through the red-tape by taking legal action to ensure they are following the law regarding your credit report.
We will continue monthly follow-up with these challenges for as long as you remain an active customer, working to get you the most accurate and clean credit report possible.
The longer you use our services, the more we can help improve your credit report, and hopefully get you an amazing credit score.
Lower Interest Rates helps you save money every month
Get approved for car loans, and mortgages that you couldn't get before
Credit Card Benefits like free travel or cash back rewards. I have personally taken multiple vacations using airline and hotel reward points from credit cards.
Lower Deposit Requirements on things like utilities, phone, and cable
Lower Insurance Rates most States allow insurance companies to check your credit score
Landlord Credit Checks Most landlords prefer tenants with good credit.
Employer Credit Checks Good credit shows you are more responsible and would make a great employee.
$247 /month
Full review of your Credit Report
Action plan to correct problems
We contact Credit Bureaus for you
Ongoing follow-up to enhance your score increase
For best results we recommend 3-4 months of service
15 day money back guarantee
If you are not happy with our service for any reason, cancel within the first 15 days for a full refund.
$997 /month
Only for high-income individuals and businesses with more complex finances that need extra attention.
Priority setup service
Full review of your Credit Report
One-on-one phone consultation
Custom action plan
We contact Credit Bureaus for you
Extended follow-up to maximize your score increase
For best results we recommend 3-6 months of service
15 day money back guarantee
If you are not happy with our service for any reason, cancel within the first 15 days for a full refund.
Bad Credit Good Inc
5830 E 2ND ST, STE 7000 #20746
CASPER, WY 82609